Low energy and carbon solutions in housing cooperatives

Tampere in Finland brings stakeholders together


Publication date

November 15, 2017

Low Carbon Housing Tampere Plus (TARMO+) is a three-year ERDF funded project run by the energy agency of Tampere for the promotion of low-energy and carbon solutions in residential housing. It mainly focuses on strengthening cooperation between all stakeholders on the territory.

In line with the city strategy 2025 and based on a true multi-stakeholder approach, TARMO+ has so far facilitated cooperation activities between 250 housing cooperatives and 50 local energy services companies who got involved in the project since its beginning in 2015.

This happened in particular thanks to 200 free-willing residents from the housing cooperatives, who have been trained to become energy experts. Like Arto Puikkonen, telling about his experience in the video below, they can now contribute to awareness raising among other residents and take an active part in identifying energy related problems or dysfunctions in their residential buildings or surrounding urban facilities. The success of this operaton is already measured through the energy and money saved.

Beside numerous communication activities (public events, workshops or energy saving competitions), the project also created new economic measures and technical solutions, like an interactive web platform, to support the pooling of energy renovation projects between groups of cooperatives and local companies.

Earlier in 2017, TARMO+ was labellised “URBACT good practice” and could be replicated in one of the 25 URBACT transfer networks that will start in April 2018.

For further information, please visit the project website and the Tampere energy agency website.