LIFE+ for the Energy and Climate Plan of Essonne County (France)

The French Essonne County, Energy Cities member since 2006, has just published an inspiring summary of the results achieved during its participation in the LIFE+ CLIMATE project.

The outcomes after 4 years of cross-sector project work : 

– Creation of an Ecological Material Library : this resource and consulting centre in
the heart of the Departmental Organisation for Habitat raises the awareness of all
territorial stakeholders on sustainable housing technologies. This material library led to the creation of a web platform on “Smart renovation”

– Creation of the Showcase of Energies : it promotes local initiatives and supports links between stakeholders of the County to facilitate the creation of energy efficiency projects. 

– Online publication of a collaborative platform on mobility that informs users about the numerous transport alternatives to single-occupant car journeys : public transport, active modes, carpooling, car sharing… 

– a “Sustainable building and subsidising” standard : systematized since 2013 for all operations (buildings, public spaces, roads) and funded by the County. 

– Implementation of a Carbon Accounting tool : it monitors GHG emissions and
associated costs incurred by its assets and the services over which it exercises
jurisdiction to assess the financial impact of its actions. 

– … and many other actions in the field of fuel poverty, awareness-raising of school students and social workers … 

Download the brochure describing all the achievements.