EU elections manifesto

Energy Cities' demands to future EU leaders - out now !


Publication date

February 28, 2019

The manifesto is directed at incoming MEPs for the European Elections at the end of May, 2019.
In it, we outline four ‘quick wins’ to help MEPs hit the ground running here in Brussels as well as four ‘legacy issues’ – more complex and ambitious goals to help them build a legacy of a sustainable Europe.

The overall message of the manifesto is clear – we have the technology and resources to tackle climate change but we will succeed only if we channel political will towards cities who are at the front lines of tackling climate change and adapting to it.

Readers might find some of the demands ambitious – and they would be right. But this is not the time for caution. We intend to set the frame of reference for discussions in Brussels and Europe’s capitals as comprehensive in scope as possible. The time for discussing, for example, CO2 cuts of 27% vs 30% is over. We need comprehensive change to our system of governance to liberate cities to pursue the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

Crucially, this manifesto is also positioned to build bridges with political leaders focused more on social inequality, petro-diplomacy or other concerns. We want them to know that a shared energy transition matching rural resources with urban needs can help address many of the issues facing Europe today.

Please download the manifesto, read it, share it and help drive a shared energy transition as we build the sustainable city of the future.

Our demands to future EU leaders – out now!

The Energy Cities 2019 European Elections Manifesto The Energy Cities manifesto will be delivered to incoming MEPs after the May election with a series of demands on both a short timescale and a longer timescale.
These demands are ambitious but will deliver the changes cities and citizens need to develop sustainably.
Time is short. But the window for decisive action on climate change is still open. We need brave and bold EU leaders to heed our call and deliver a shared energy transition.